XiaoXuan Zhou
A newbie in research, ready to dive in! 🧠🔍

👋 Hi, I’m XiaoXuan Zhou!

📄 View My Resume

🚀 About Me

I am currently a sophomore student majoring in Software Engineering at Northeastern University. I’m a passionate student with a strong interest in Large Language Models (LLMs). I love exploring new technologies and continuously improving my skills through hands-on projects and collaborations.

  • 🌱 I’m currently advancing my knowledge in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and NLP.
  • ⚡ Fun fact:
    • I’m a proud member of the Taylor Swift fan club! 🎤✨
    • I’m also a big fan of musicals! 🎶My favorite musical is The Phantom of the Opera ! 🎭👻
  • 😄 Pronouns: she/her

🛠️ Technologies & Tools

  • Languages: Python, JavaScript, Java, C++, C, HTML, CSS, SQL, TypeScript
  • Frameworks: Flask, Streamlit, Hexo, Vue.js, Spring Boot, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Node.js MySQL, Redis…
  • Tools: Git, Jupyter, Google Cloud, Docker, GitHub, VS Code, PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, Postman, Nginx, Spring, MyBatis…

📈 GitHub Stats(Still a long way to go🥹…)

August6676's Top Languages

August6676's Streak Stats

August6676's Contribution Graph

🔎 Project Background

  • AI Agent Project
    • Institution: Professor Li Ning’s team at Tsinghua University
    • Description: Develop a negotiation system where AI agents represent human users, engaging in complex decision-making processes, including conflict resolution and collaborative task management.
    • Contribution: Participated in the design and implementation of the negotiation system, developed the backend of the negotiation system.Hopefully, I will be able to participate in more complicated projects in the future.
  • Multilingual Prompting Methods for Multimodal Large Models
    • Institution: NEU NLPLab
    • Description: Develop a multilingual prompting method for multimodal large models, which can effectively improve the performance of multimodal models on various tasks.
    • Contribution: Using models such as Lumina, Emu, and Qwen to test and evaluate in areas like image question answering, image editing, and image generation with datasets like POPE, MagicBrush, and CompBench.

🏅 Honors Received

  • 2022-2023 National Scholarship
  • 2022-2024 Ranked first in GPA (1/495)
  • 2022-2023 Ranked first in Comprehensive Examination (1/495)